其實過去兩個月,一直忙於發展副業,就係part time 地產經紀,學習分析個案,計清楚借貸,收到一堆千奇百怪的案例,例如破產,資產抵押,擔保人,傭金收入,現金收入,如何拆解每個個案,令對方可以成功上會,的確有專業知識,有挑戰性,又可以做喜歡的事。
請問點樣做到part time 地產經紀?
回覆刪除好多公司,只請full time
it is more like a " consultancy " firm, firstly have to review the borrowing power for client, make sure their credit rating is good enough for mortgage, then viewing mostly being arranged during weekend. there may be some complicated case eg, with bankruptcy history, guarantor arrangement, cross guarantee each other between couples/relative, or purchase by assets pledge.
刪除in fact it is a very interesting job.
Sounds interesting indeed
刪除And it's a meaningful job as well
Some people really don't know whether they are eligible to take a mortgage until being turned down
I've got a friend who experienced this and lost all her savings in the first instalment since the mortgage application was turned down
oh sorry to hear that about your friend 's case, i have a friend also lost her 20% down payment becoz of unable to borrow mortgage nor full pay. so this type of consultancy can be at niche market that some people really need that.